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April 4, 2010
feather and leather
by Antonia Leslie

Ann Demeulemesteer gave us the feather and leather rope show. Hidden and apparent feathers. Feathers hiding under cuffs but jutting out of the sides of sleeves. Feathers as jacket fronts. Feather accessories. Beautiful swathes of leather ropes rather like rib cages but also African jewelry at the same time. Calm Punk and quiet Gothic. The best hair of the season (well in my opinion) which extended the girls heads so they all looked like Nefertiti. Always love the way she uses leather, as a kind of fabric and not just sexual. The bright colour was red, which has been a kind of regular this time in Paris. The long leather gloves and silver cuff jewelry were just perfect. Also the abundance of skin, shoulders free and long decoltes, gave a lightness to the dark.

Ann Demeulemesteer