
tourist in you could feel like Cambridge with a twist and you may enjoy the following attractions. Every day between 12 and 2 pm, the Wren library is open at Trinity College. This gives you the chance to see one of the largest, and most beautiful colleges. Enter by the secluded side door and walk along the perfectly balanced Wren colonnade. Once in the library the endless marble chequered floor makes you momentarily wish for the same. Where else can you find Newton's first edition of Principia, A A Milne's manuscript of Winnie-the-Pooh and a long haired man in a rock t-shirt at the library entrance. If you would like to get an aerial view of Cambridge you can try three things. The Gt St Mary's church tower which is probably the highest, the M & S cafe which looks over the colourful market square and the lift in John Lewis which is transparent and gives you surprise views of Emmanuel College. Maybe you feel like leaving for a while but cannot decide how. Well go to the bus station and take the busway. Look at the strange little extra wheels on the side of the bus. They are a big clue to it's nature. An old railway line has been converted into a guided bus lane that takes you at top speed to St Ives. You only realise this is going to happen when the little wheels lock in and then you fly through the Fen countryside and your bus becomes a highspeed train.

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Review & Photography Antonia Leslie
The Wren Library
Great St Mary's
John Lewis
Emmanuel College
The Busway